Confident Puppy
Introducing your puppy to a variety of new people, places and things in a positive manner will help your puppy be confident and unafraid around the novel experiences that will be encountered throughout your puppy’s life.
Welcome to Meeting Puppy Needs
FREE PREVIEWGuidelines for Puppy Exercise
FREE PREVIEWHELP! My Puppy Doesn't Want to Walk Outside?
Great Kong Stuffing Ideas
FREE PREVIEWHow to Make a Super Tug Toy
Problem Solving Model-learning your ABCs
Health and Handling - Track your training
Confidence around novel objects
Three puppies, the same novel objects
Paw Handling
Head in small space
Teaching Trade
Crate Training Tips
Crate Training - Additional Resources
Attention - making eye contact
Offered Sits
Elimination (potty) Training
Elimination (potty) Training - Additional Resources
Activity and Elimination Journal
The Enrichment Effect
Surfaces and Proximity - Track your training
Novel Surfaces - a dock
Novel Surfaces - a stick pile
Lifting your Puppy
Teaching Drop
Stop Puppy Biting: Handling for calmness, grooming and vet visits
Teach Your Puppy to Relax
Attention - growing the game
Casual Walking - first session
Casual Walking - Two weeks later
The Proximity Game
Puppy Biting, Mouthing, and Chewing **MUST WATCH**
Chewing - Additional Resources
Puppy Mouthing and Nipping - ABCs
Puppy Nipping Guide
Biting, Mouthing and Nipping - Additional Resources
Mental enrichment using food puzzle toys
Costumes and Appearances - Track your training
Check in around scary or exciting people, animals, objects
Learn to Love: "The Cone of Shame"
Wearing the "Cone of Shame"
Food Bowl Exercises
Building Alone Time Confidence
Separation Training Tips
The Box Game
Name Game
Four on the Floor-ABCs
Greeting you politely
Greeting other people politely
Teaching People to Greet Your Dog Politely
Feeding Schedule and Ditching the Bowl
Wheels and Children - Track your training
Focus around moving people, objects, and animals
Restraint and Ear Handling
The Consent Test
Confinement and Alone Time in the Car
Come when called (Recall) - Build value for the cue
Come when called (recall)
Keep your puppy safe - use a dragline
Chase the treat between your legs!
Dogs and Children: a guide to staying safe
Families, Kids and Dogs
Dog to Child Greetings
Building a Kibble Trail
Enhancing Meal Time
Obstacles and Sounds - Track your training
Positive Exposure to Sounds
Condition your puppy to sounds in the environment
Confidence Building around a noisy dust bin
Love the Brush
Prevent guarding around cherished spaces
Teaching a Hand Target
Collar Grab Game
Counter Surfing - ABCs
Counter Surfing - Additional Resources
Solutions for a puppy who likes to dig in the yard
Puppy Play Time
How to Stop Leash Biting
Canadian dollars
One-time payment